Category: Selling a home

Looking to buy?Looking to buy?

Have you been looking at homes online and dreaming about a new home?  If you have started searching, you might be frustrated.  Buying a home is a very important decision and you want to make sure you are doing everything right.   Here are some tips.

  1.  Get prequalified for a loan-  I recommend talking to a few lenders and see what they offer.  First time home buyer, or veteran?  There are no down payment loans out there for you!  Once you are prequalified than you are ready to start the search.
  2.  Hire a Realtor who will become your trusted advisor.  They should know the area,  are easy to reach, and can work around your schedule. Get references, and google them.  Do they have a website,  and Facebook page? Get a list of their homes they have sold, and speak to their buyers.
  3. Your Realtor will search all listings on the internet, for sale by owners and will be able to help you narrow down your search.  They will be able to tell you if a home is over priced, the history of the home, and do comparisons.
  4.  If after searching for a home you just can’t find a suitable home, you might want to consider building.  Builders in Mancos are getting $125 a square foot, and a typical 5-10 acre lot will cost you around $50-90k.

Check me out on Zillow and ask about me at the coffee shop.  I’m here to help!

Tips For Selling Your HomeTips For Selling Your Home

Selling your home is a very important decision.  Here’s some tips to help it go smoothly.

1.  Interview Realtors.  Do your homework.  Google them, ask friends, check out their website.  Look at their reviews on Zillow.  Pick a Realtor who can become your trusted advisor.

2.  First Impressions are huge.  So declutter.  Make the cabinets and closets 1/2 empty.  Depersonalize your home. Wash windows, clean carpets, oil squeaky doors, and paint if needed.  Make the front porch inviting.

3. Take a big whiff.  Are there odors?  If so, try to eliminate them. Clean curtains, stains, and crack a window.

4.  Turn on all the lights for a showing and open up the curtains.

5.  Leave the house during showings.  The potential buyer wants to feel comfortable looking around and you want them to linger.  Have a snack for them and water.  Also have a sheet explaining all the features of your home.

Need to know what your home is worth?  We are here to help.  970-759-2540

Tips to sell your home in the SpringTips to sell your home in the Spring

When selling your house in the Spring, you need to know how to stand out above the rest.  Here are some tips that will help you.

1.  Hire a realtor who can be your trusted advisor, knows the market and has sold homes in your area.   Do your homework and get recommendations, and interview potential Realtors.  I’ve lived in Mancos for 26 years, and would love to do a free market analysis for you.

2.  Before the home is listed, get it inspected.  This way, you have a chance to fix things and you        won’t have any surprises once you find a buyer.

3.  Clean the house this includes windows, and outside.  Get the house power washed, clean the fans, do touch up painting and declutter.   You want your house to be spacious, so buyers can imagine their stuff in the home.  Make sure your closets are not stuffed.  First impressions are huge.

4.  On the day of a showing, have curtains opened up, for sunshine and turn on the lights.  Also have bottle water and cookies out for potential buyers.  You want them to linger and fall in love with your home.

5.  Have a detailed sheet for the buyers in the kitchen for them to take home.  List the things that you love about the home, ie. proximity to schools, forest, big yard, heated floors, views.

I’d love to help you get your home sold in Mancos, Cortez and Dolores, Colorado.  I’m a Realtor here to help. Call me anytime. 970-759-2540

Can a garden help me sell my home?Can a garden help me sell my home?

Nothing better than seeing a home that has a bountiful garden. If you are thinking of selling your home this summer, plan now to have a garden! There is just something about warmer weather that makes you want to be outside. You can start plants inside now, however do not plant them outside until mid May. Even than your tomatoes will need to be protected from the cool nights.

Everyone knows that first impressions are huge. What can a seller do to make their home stand out from the competition? Sure clean the home from top to bottom: ceiling fans, windows, carpets, etc. But what else? I suggest working on the yard! Have a mixture of perennial flowers and vegetables! You want the buyers to linger and fall in love with your home, so I suggest baking chocolate cookies and having a plate for them with bottled water. There’s just something about the yummy smell!

Have a flyer with pictures on the kitchen table for potential buyers to take with them of things you love about your home. Want to sell your home? I’m here to help!

Selling your home – Is it underpriced?Selling your home – Is it underpriced?

Selling your home is a major decision. Several questions need to be asked.

Is the time right for you and your family?
How long is it going to take?
Where am I going?
What things need to be done before I list?
Who should be my realtor?
What price?
It’s important to take the time to set yourself up for success.  The first step is to interview realtors.  Have each of them give you a market analysis of your home, references and a list of homes they have sold in your area. Get to know your competition.  Go see other similar homes for sale.  What makes your home unique? Location? Size? Amenities? Do your homework.  You want a realtor who can become your trusted advisor.
When you are trying to decide what price to list your home, be leery of realtors who want to price it too low or too high.  You should only be pricing your home about $10,000 above what you want to walk away with.  Look at their market analysis.  Are the comparison homes they used viable?
Be leery of any realtor who will take a cut in commission just to get your listing.  You pay for what you get. Besure and ask for their marketing plan.  Any realtor can put your listing on the internet, however you want a realtor who can be reached, is a good fit for your personality, and a great negotiator when the time comes.
Selling your home can be a smooth process.  I’d love to help!

Thinking of selling?  Get your home pre-inspected?Thinking of selling?  Get your home pre-inspected?

Are you thinking of selling your home? One of the best things you can do is get it pre-inspected and tested for radon.

What is radon? Radon is a cancer-causing radio-active gas. You cannot see, smell or taste radon, but it may be a problem in your home. The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, you’re at a high risk for developing lung cancer. Some studies of radon exposure indicate that children may be more sensitive to radon. This may be due to their higher respiration rate and their rapidly dividing cells, which may be more vulnerable to radiation damage.

According to the US EPA, nearly 1 in 3 homes in 7 states tested have screening levels over 4 pCi/L, the EPA’s recommended level. Recently, I had buyer under contract for a home that tested for radon and it was at 55 pCi/L! The highest the inspector has seen. Also this same buyer had the house inspected and several issues arose: mold in attic, deck not secured properly, electrical issues and roof issues. The seller was not willing to fix the problems to my buyers satisfaction, so my buyer made the choice of picking a safer home for his family.

As a seller, you can be proactive and get it pre-inspected so that you can get things fixed. Once you do find a buyer, and they do their inspection there won’t be any issues and you can more forward to the closing.

This is just one way to help you thru the selling process. I would love to help you, so please call me anytime!

How to sell your home this Summer!How to sell your home this Summer!

How to sell your home this Summer!  May 23, 2016

  1.  Tackle the obvious repairs.  Look at your home thru a buyer’s eyes.  Broken windows, doors that don’t shut properly, mice, chipping paint, holes?
  2.  Hire a realtor who will listen to you, do a free market analysis and who can be reached.  So important!!
  3. Remove your junk and declutter.  Take 1/2 the stuff out of your closets.  Buyers like to see space.
  4. Depersonalize your home.  Take down family photos, your collectibles, and heirlooms.  Buyer’s want to invision their stuff in your house.
  5. First impressions are huge.  Make the outside landscaping sparkle, clean the house really good, open window for fresh air and do not put in air freshners!
  6. Price your house to sell.  Only have about a $10k wiggle room.  If you don’t get showings and offers within the first 30-60 days, it’s priced to high!