How to sell your home this Summer!

How to sell your home this Summer!  May 23, 2016

  1.  Tackle the obvious repairs.  Look at your home thru a buyer’s eyes.  Broken windows, doors that don’t shut properly, mice, chipping paint, holes?
  2.  Hire a realtor who will listen to you, do a free market analysis and who can be reached.  So important!!
  3. Remove your junk and declutter.  Take 1/2 the stuff out of your closets.  Buyers like to see space.
  4. Depersonalize your home.  Take down family photos, your collectibles, and heirlooms.  Buyer’s want to invision their stuff in your house.
  5. First impressions are huge.  Make the outside landscaping sparkle, clean the house really good, open window for fresh air and do not put in air freshners!
  6. Price your house to sell.  Only have about a $10k wiggle room.  If you don’t get showings and offers within the first 30-60 days, it’s priced to high!