Thinking of selling?  Get your home pre-inspected?Thinking of selling?  Get your home pre-inspected?

Are you thinking of selling your home? One of the best things you can do is get it pre-inspected and tested for radon.

What is radon? Radon is a cancer-causing radio-active gas. You cannot see, smell or taste radon, but it may be a problem in your home. The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, you’re at a high risk for developing lung cancer. Some studies of radon exposure indicate that children may be more sensitive to radon. This may be due to their higher respiration rate and their rapidly dividing cells, which may be more vulnerable to radiation damage.

According to the US EPA, nearly 1 in 3 homes in 7 states tested have screening levels over 4 pCi/L, the EPA’s recommended level. Recently, I had buyer under contract for a home that tested for radon and it was at 55 pCi/L! The highest the inspector has seen. Also this same buyer had the house inspected and several issues arose: mold in attic, deck not secured properly, electrical issues and roof issues. The seller was not willing to fix the problems to my buyers satisfaction, so my buyer made the choice of picking a safer home for his family.

As a seller, you can be proactive and get it pre-inspected so that you can get things fixed. Once you do find a buyer, and they do their inspection there won’t be any issues and you can more forward to the closing.

This is just one way to help you thru the selling process. I would love to help you, so please call me anytime!

Summer in full swingSummer in full swing

Summer in Mancos: cool nights 50 degrees and warm days 84 make it an awesome place to live.  We celebrated the wknd of the 4th by going to the mountains, BBQ’s, and going for a swim at McPhee Reservoir by Dolores.  My family raises horses and I got one last week so evenings are spent riding.  My Dad taught me to ride before I could walk and I have wonderful memories of riding with him.  Horses are in my in blood.  The evening of the 4th was spent watching the fireworks at the park in Mancos.  Fireworks going off right above us!  Hope you made wonderful memories too.

Buying and selling homes is in full swing! Interest rates are low with a 30 year fixed at 3.625%.  Whether you are looking to buy or sell, I’m here to help.


How to sell your home this Summer!How to sell your home this Summer!

How to sell your home this Summer!  May 23, 2016

  1.  Tackle the obvious repairs.  Look at your home thru a buyer’s eyes.  Broken windows, doors that don’t shut properly, mice, chipping paint, holes?
  2.  Hire a realtor who will listen to you, do a free market analysis and who can be reached.  So important!!
  3. Remove your junk and declutter.  Take 1/2 the stuff out of your closets.  Buyers like to see space.
  4. Depersonalize your home.  Take down family photos, your collectibles, and heirlooms.  Buyer’s want to invision their stuff in your house.
  5. First impressions are huge.  Make the outside landscaping sparkle, clean the house really good, open window for fresh air and do not put in air freshners!
  6. Price your house to sell.  Only have about a $10k wiggle room.  If you don’t get showings and offers within the first 30-60 days, it’s priced to high!

Sold 38355 Road K.7 Mancos!Sold 38355 Road K.7 Mancos!

I’m pleased to announce that I have helped the homeowner sell her home!  This home situated on 42 acres with a seasonal stream, privacy is in a perfect setting just 3 miles from Mancos.  My marketing plan attracted many buyers to the home, but many preferred a different design, or different price range.  Currently, there is a shortage of homes for sale in the $300-$400k price and also intown Mancos.  If you want to sell, I’d be happy to help!

Absolute BakeryAbsolute Bakery

Absolute Bakery   November 13, 2015

We are very fortunate to have the Absolute Bakery in downtown Mancos.  If you want to feel connected, just come to the bakery.  You will find locals who meet regularly and if you happen to be alone will invite you to their table.  You will have instant friends!

The food is delicious!  Prepared from scratch and using locally grown veggies make it amazing.  My breakfast favorite is “the stack”.  Yum!!

The bakery is located in an old 100 year old bank building decorated with all kinds of art from local artists.  Debbie Doty who paints lovely scenery and wood carvings by Dave Sipe are my favorites!

Don’t forget to grab a cookie, or homemade bread before you leave!  It’s a must stop for visitors and locals.