Year: 2023

Should you rent or buy?Should you rent or buy?

Homeownership is often said to be the better choice when compared to renting. However for certain people, this isn’t always true. Here are 6 types of people that are better off renting than owning a home. 

  1. People with high credit card debt. If you have trouble doing things like saving for a vacation or paying for a car repair, these are signs that you are not ready for home ownership yet. If something super expensive happened related to your home, how would you afford to pay for it? 
  2. You prefer to have predictability in your monthly expenses. You can’t always plan for things that come up suddenly such as a leaky roof or emergency plumbing repair. Renting a home guarantees a fixed expense each month. You don’t have to budget for emergency repairs, increased HOA fees, property taxes, home insurance, etc. 
  3. You don’t have an emergency savings fund. An emergency savings fund is typically 3 to 6 months worth of living expenses. If you don’t have this kind of savings account yet, you may not be financially ready to buy a home.
  4. You love living in big cities. If you prefer living in a big city, you shouldn’t sacrifice that to live in a suburb you don’t like. Rent is usually cheaper than buying a home with a million dollar mortgage in the same area. 
  5. You see homeownership as controlling. Most people choose to buy a home so they can make changes such as paint color, adding additions, and having a sense of control to do what they want with their space. However most of these things require approval and permits. And if you live in a HOA you can’t just paint the door red, there are rules you must follow. 
  6. You’re buying a home to increase your net worth. It can seem appealing to buy a home to build equity and increase your net worth. A mortgage amortization schedule shows how much of your mortgage payments go towards the principal balance versus the interest paid to the lender. If you are paying $3,000 a month, maybe $300 of that is going towards the principal, which goes towards equity. The other $2,700 is going to interest at the bank, the bank basically owns the house more than you do. However if you can buy a home and rent out part of it, which would help pay the mortgage that would be sweet!

Happy New Year and Woo Hoo We Have Snow!Happy New Year and Woo Hoo We Have Snow!

We have been blessed with lots of snow. No matter where you live, snowfall can disrupt everyday activities and become a source of great stress and frustration. Nevertheless, there are ways to manage the impact of heavy snow on your life and property.

One of the toughest challenges that comes with a lot of snow is clearing your sidewalks and driveways. I have a list of snowplowers and shovelers. Save your back and hire someone.

Another challenge that comes with a lot of snow is protecting your property from damage. Heavy snow can cause roofs to collapse due to the weight from the snow and ice. In extreme cases, walls of buildings can be pushed inward from the weight of the snow. To prevent such catastrophes, you should get your roof cleared of snow and ice if necessary. Make sure to also clean off gutters and downspouts so that water is directed away from your home.

Lots of snow, means driving can be difficult. Be sure you have good tires, check the weather conditions and have an emergency kits with a shovel, a flashlight, and blanket, in your vehicle in case you get stuck.

The lakes will be full this summer and the green grass will be poking thru in March. With all this moisture it reduces the chance of wildfires. Many have been blessed by cross country skiing right out their front door!